Entrevista con cardenal Pedro Barreto

Nos reunimos con el cardenal Pedro Barreto de Perú, jesuita, arzobispo de Huancayo, vicepresidente de la Red PanmAzónica (REPAM) y uno de los tres delegados designados por el papa Francisco para dirigir el trabajo del Sínodo.ñor-Pedro-Barreto-Arzobispo-de-Huncayo-Perú.mp4
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Come hear from indigenous and religious leaders from the Amazon about their concerns in the region: their resistance and organizational process, displacement by large-scale energy and agriculture projects, struggles for land rights and formal recognition, and threats to their livelihoods and culture. They also will share their hopes for the Synod on the Amazon,...
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“INTEGRAL ECOLOGY: a synodal response from the Amazon and other essential biomes / territories for the care of our common home”

“INTEGRAL ECOLOGY: a synodal response from the Amazon and other essential biomes / territories for the care of our common home” International Conference Washington, D.C. USA (Georgetown University) Between the 19th and the 21st of March the Internacional Conference “INTEGRAL ECOLOGY: a synodal response from the Amazon and other essential biomes / territories for...
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La esperanza amazónica mira con ojos de mujer

En el contexto de las asambleas pre-sinodales celebradas en Lima, Yurimaguas e Iquitos, con participación de representantes de los vicariatos de la Amazonía, se recogen perspectivas y anhelos de rúbrica femenina que muestra nuevas perspectivas a la Iglesia en la construcción de nuevos caminos. Todo en alianza con los pueblos originarios En las asambleas...
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